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Friday, April 4, 2014





"Let's go do god's work."

That line was sooooo misused in this flick.  Little “g” was inserted hoping the context in the film wasn't as blasphemous as I thought it was.  Instead of that whole phrase referring to the nature of the work of the DEA, specifically the most dangerous division in that faction, the director allows that simple phrase to mean something way lesser, sinister even.  This movie was cluttered with shallow lines and sub-level attempts at comedy. The abhorrent attempts at a classic one-liner marred the seriousness of the main plot and all the events leading to it. The distasteful and unfunny banter went as low as the word “BOO-YAH”...  I heard Stuart Scott say that in the late 90’s.

     I went in thinking this was an action movie from what I could gather from the trailer.  Turns out it is more of an investigation/revenge film.  Reminds me of The Counselor in some ways.  Like way more dialog than I was expecting but Sabotage didn't have the depth of The Counselor.  Sabotage is more straight forward.  Devoid of any imagination, most may find the conflict resolution predictable.  There are a few plot twist but hardly anything that puts you on the edge of your seat.  Also, each character was hard to root for, good and bad.  As a result, I didn't connect/care what happened to any of them, but that may just be me.

    I’m not mad at Arnold for taking on this project.  It’s “marginally” different from anything he’s done in the past.  I also am willing to bet that this movie looked awesome on paper.  I was just poorly executed trying to bring this story to the screen.

Not worth watching.

letter grade: C-

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