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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sucker Punch



Went into this one blind.  Didn't know what to really expect except some incredible graphics.  Zack Snyder has a great portfolio so I figured that I couldn't lose...  I didn't.  Even with my superb peripherals, Sucker Punch snuffed me from all sides.  The narration at the very beginning  was the most important part of the film, like all movies right?  But somehow, this one was different.  Honestly, I was ready to write the movie off within the first 30 minutes. After that, the movie really started to come into it's own.  All the definitions, innuendos, and overall perception from the narration began to make sense and ultimately, at the end, bursts into IT'S own fruition... The movie, at that point, became a film.
The best part is the conversation as the credits are falling, the ride home, the discussion at the Absopure water feeder @ work, the Facebook debates. Everyone saw this movie differently. Right now it seems that most of my friends whom viewed this incredible piece of work see it differently than I do.  The overwhelming disdain for its... hmmmm, lets say: "shallowness" turned a lot of people off.  What shallowness?  I dunno, it depends on who you ask.  Most gripes derived from the 'fantasy' aspect of the film.  From the attire of the heroins to the fight itself.  People wanted to see more of the reality while the fantasy sequence was on screen... Just a plethora of complaints similar to that. 
 To me, her fantasy world imitated her reality.  So if she is in this environment of let's say... Pimp's and hoes... Her imagination is going to have certain aspects of that element in it.  I don't want to say too much. Definitely want to respect those of you who haven't seen it yet and Oh my word... there are a lot of you!
      Just got back from visiting a friend [Amber] and she brought up a point that I missed that made me love the film even more!!! The 'dance' sequence was a metaphor for something more sinister.  If you want to know what that is... email me @  I'll be more than happy to chop it up with you.  This revelation made EVERYTHING clear about what was going on in her reality. It explains certain rooms that she saw on her tour, the object on the 'stage' and the remarks by the other orderlies when the villain dude went for for the gusto near the end.
The film gets an A. I implore my audience to go see this one. It's rated PG-13 and I didn't notice that there weren't any cursing in it till it was almost over. Well done Zack!



Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer


The Lincoln Lawyer was one of those case films where the main plot is a pending case that usually is defined by the trailer and solved at the end of the movie.  So as a viewer all your waiting for is the scenarios surrounding the case to reveal itself in the story.  The movie did a good job of hiding the main culprit while sending us on the conventional ride of misdirection.
The movie starts with McConaughey's character doing the bulk of his work in the back of a  80's  Lincoln Town car.  I thought that was the reasoning behind the title at first.  Then his morals/ethics are questioned even by himself near the last apex of the story. Him... The guy that thought he represented each case with truth and honesty, spawning the Lincoln title. Ultimately, you will come up with your own conclusions. That's unimportant though...
Never watched Law & Order but the presumption is its a darn good show.  People tune in and stay hooked to that television program probably for good reason.  If they decided to make a movie out of it The Lincoln Lawyer, to me, seems what it would look like.
This movie was good & worth watching but you can definitely wait for video. By the way, I really loved the soundtrack in this one too!!! 
It gets a B from me.




Limitless was tantalizing. A surreal rush of consequence vs rewards. Bradley Cooper was the turbo boost that propelled this vehicle forward [I know I know, corny metaphor]. All four wheels stayed on the pavement as the story  drifted through winding turns and attacked one hill after another. Dang near every conflict resolution had a centipede effect; You know, if you try and kill a centipede and miss half of it, the other half scurries about and now the problem is even ickier. It seemed as if he would solve one of his problems and they doubled.  Life was coming at him in warp speed and he couldn't slow down even if he wanted to. Hence the camera work at the beginning and title screen which foreshadowed or put you in the mindset of a mental  car with no breaks... honestly, it made me dizzy when they did that... bravo!  Little did I know I somehow I needed that to more so understand Bradley Cooper's dilemma. 
The editing was on point as well as the visual description of free access of thought. Whether it be letters falling from the ceiling while typing or numbers being flipped over in the tiles, they made it very apparent that this guy was indeed limitless.
This movie was better than I thought it would be and ultimately I was impressed with it.  It receives a B+ from me.



Paul is Seth Rogen in animation period.  He didn't alter his voice, his slacker-coated sense of humor or his attitude... that was a good thing. Oh! Also Simone Pegg and Nick Frost kept that platinum chemistry while Jason Bateman continues to impress me by each flick that he's in.
Okay, if you thought the story was predictable you were right.  If you saw the scene with the bird in the trailer you will probably be disappointed when you see it again in the movie... it was suppose to be a moment. If you are a Christian you will watch this one low-browed. There are a lot of shots taken at Christianity in this one.  They start off as jokes then become very direct.  Lastly, Paul is a smoker/pot head.  So if you want to guard your little ones against character influence on-screen it may be a great idea to leave them at home... they are not missing anything anyway, trust me.  It'll be better if you pull out a DVD of E.T and retro-culture cultivate your kid instead. 
Warning: rating may be biased because I am a Christian.
 This one gets a  C-


Thursday, March 17, 2011



         Conroy-  Imagine waking up after a good nap. You stumble towards the kitchen and hit the power button on the television remote side-arm style while throwing it towards the couch as you proceed into the fridge. You hear your most trusted news media say that the tsunami and earthquakes were NOT caused  by natural events but was a deliberate attack against Japan.  Imagine your thought process at that moment. Now imagine you are a resident of Japan hearing this... What comes next is a lot of real panic... and a lot of great entertainment.
      This was clearly the most anticipated movie for this year and some of last year for me. They pitched the plasma out this film and had me salivating all the way to my theater seat so forgive me is this review seems a little biased... I didn't even get any popcorn. 
It's hard to specify a genre to judge the movie from. Anything with aliens in it is Sci-Fi I suppose but we were looking at a military/war piece. Both strategic view points and artillery that was zipping past the heads of the heroes and enemies leads me think epic-war picture... which is exactly what a great film does! Gunshots in the distance then silent... soldiers scoots over a little bit to get a peek and enemy fire zings past his ear!  Emphatically yes, I was impressed. After the character development the movie hit the accelerator . The only times that you are able to gather yourself were during some pretty deep and memorable moments with the civilians and another with a marine with a heavy heart.  Aaron Eckhart was phenomenal as usual. He's one of the few actors that can dunk the ball without the lob in ANY picture.
       This movie is DEFINITELY worth watching. this movie earns a solid A. Now, here's where I may become a bit biased, because I don't normally give out all 5 McGuffins unless it's a real game changer... I'm prepared to revisit this decision later but Battle:Los Angeles receives ALL five from this reviewer!



Tuesday, March 8, 2011

the Holiday


     One great advantage of having a blog is that there are no rules, just guidelines. Although I try to abide by these guidelines and only review theatrical releases, I have been stricken by a whopper of a film that in all of it's definition is a 'chick-flick'.  I don't like chick-flicks which should give you an idea of just how awesome I think this movie is!
     Every now and then there's a great one that slips through the cracks.  You are the last one to see it and wonders why no one said anything... well, I am somebody [according to Jesse Jackson] and I want to past this knowledge on to you!  If you have not yet seen it, get it!
    Even now, right now, I am still submerged in this film.  It's making it hard for me to properly review the releases last weekend.  
   Last night I purchased the soundtrack composed by the great Hans Zimmer.  Google him, you will realize why the music in this love story is paramount to any you've heard before. I've certainly found my wedding music, now all I need is that pesky bride. :)  well, maybe not, let me hit replay.

The Adjustment Bureau


The Adjustment Bureau is a faction that you don't want to see in action.  Watching them carry out orders for the 'chairman' from the confines of your theater seat is close enough.  By the way, the similarities between these "angels/henchmen" and the agents doing the good work for the Architect in the Matrix series were almost on par.  One of the larger reasons why the last installment of the Matrix movies failed was because the story tried entirely too hard to make sense of itself.  One of the reasons I liked the AB is that they didn't try and make sense of the bureau, they just are.
Admit tingly, the 'rules of engagement' are a little shallow when it comes to the amount of imagination it took to come up with this plot...  Only, the movie doesn't injure itself enough not to get back on the field.  This was more of a love story than it was a cerebral labyrinth.
  This is one of the flicks that you are suppose to have fun with even though the movie takes itself seriously.  This is also a piece of work that you don't know whether to call it a film or a movie.  Rest assured whatever you want to call it, you won't call it a waste of your time.
This movie was definitely worth watching and I give it a B+!

Take Me Home Tonight


So... I saw this trailer and instantly knew, I just KNEW I was going to see this flick if not for anything but the amazing soundtrack.  Everything from the 80's that I loved was being represented in the music. Even in the title screen of the movie I saw the retro 80's font and geometrical cut-outs that defined the style back then... Aha's Take me on video playing in the back. The movie starts with this gigantic Whitney Houston album poster in the background... and Suncoast video... SUNCOAST VIDEO!!!!...bliss. :)
The only problem is the story.  I will admit to probably seeing more movies that I ought to have but any veteran movie goer has seen this plot.  This movie didn't offer any new material or thought to the subject matter.  In my estimate Take me Home Tonight holds the record for the most awkward silences/moments;  Plus a few laughs here and a few chuckles there and the movie is over.
This movie just wasn't worth watching to me I give it a D+
