"You're going to have to do for me, what I once did for you."
I really enjoyed X-Men: Days of Future Past but did not love it. I’m the minority. Everyone around me seems to have LOVED it. Along with critics from IMDB(8.6/10) and www.RottenTomatoes.com (producing a whopping 92%). I can understand why and I wouldn’t mind watching it again, there was a lot of material there. Plus the action was just fantastic from the opening scene to the showcase of the newly introduced Quicksilver. Michael Fassbender played the young Magneto to sheer perfection, again. While Peter Dinklage’s mesmerizing confidence and stature grabs your attention with his convincing monologues... as usual. Along with the rest of the cast everyone continues to do a remarkable job executing their respective characters.
For those whom have viewed the bonus scene and didn't understand what your saw, here is a link from comicbookmovie.com to help:
"You're going to have to do for me, what I once did for you."
Back in the 90’s, the X-Men cartoon was watched faithfully each Saturday morning. Accompanied with my little sister and sometimes my big sister, this was the ONLY source material we had on the matter of the X-Men universe because we all did not grow up with comic books. The recent explosion of comic book movies serves us as a comic fountain of knowledge. Characters and plights that we never knew about. Each blockbuster diving deeper into each story, from the very “Origins” to the “Last Stand”. With this newest addition to the X-Men movie catalogue, literally nothing will be the same… and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
I love time travel movies. Even more so the ones that are cognisant of the fragile space-time continuum effect. Those are usually the smarter films and ultimately better made ones. Films like LOOPER, The Source Code, and Back to the Future all use it as a part of the in-story conflict. Then there are the ones that use the STC [space-time continuum] as a means for the screenwriter/director/producer to freely pull away from the original source material and freelance their own ideas/agenda, more than likely under the watchful eye of the creator of original story… Which I don’t have a problem with. In fact I applaud it, the new Star Trek movies benefited greatly from that. So did Terminator…well, to a point. However, I can’t help but feel like this new way of story storytelling also feels like a ‘stunt’. A way to resurrect old characters that may have died. A way to right wrongs; to extend ideas from sub-plots that worked… I dunno, I could be over thinking this thing and I admit it.

This movie is definitely Worth Watching. I saw it in 3D but I don’t think that you will need to. Save the extra couple of dollars to up-size your drink and popcorn… considering how much popcorn will miss your mouth once the fun starts.
letter grade: B
Stay seated for bonus stuff after the rolling credits.
For those whom have viewed the bonus scene and didn't understand what your saw, here is a link from comicbookmovie.com to help: