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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life of Pi




"Above all: don't lose hope." 

      If you review movies as a profession or as a hobby you will have viewed an abundance of films in such a short amount of timeSometimes this can create a contentment of  mediocrity no matter how high the highs are and the same for the lows.  This being a hobby of mine or something that I really like to do, I try not to over do it so that I don't get burned out and keep my attention fresh.  Some films/movies gets passed on because of one reason or another... The Life of Pi was one of those films.  I couldn't tell you why I initially passed on it I just did.... Fast forward to current times.  This last weekend was dry, nothing jumped out at me so I took a chance on Pi and loved it.  I mean I'm still in the seat after the last credit rolls down that big silver screen and no I'm not waiting for the name of the second assistant camera man for the "a" camera or the key grip....  No, I'm taking it all in.  A day later I'm still... taking it all in.
    I'm shocked that I haven't heard more about it.  I'm even more shocked that it didn't do better in the box office.  I ended up seeing it twice in the theater because I wanted to show my family.   
     This film had so many layers of depth that even on the second go around I learned things from questions my sister asked... I say 'learned' because as we discussed them I found a whole dimension different from the obvious and conventional one...  The question then became truly "Which story did I prefer?When you're are alone for that amount of time it is uncanny what your mind will do to you.  Having said that it and knowing God for myself I love the way "God" was portrayed in this story.  I wouldn't put this film in the "Religion" category although I know most would... This was an experience with God which is indeed the direct opposite of religion, in my opinion.

   Of all the movies and films I reviewed on this site up to this point this "film" is most definitely worth watching inside the theater... It's in 3D but worth every penny.  I expect it to grab many awards Oscar night.

letter grade: A+   

"Which story do you prefer?"


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